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Personal Injury Representation for Injured Clients in Abingdon, Bristol, Southwest Virginia, and East Tennessee

If you or a loved one has been injured, you’ll likely be facing a number of issues: recovering from the injury (which may involve surgeries and rehabilitation), how to pay your mortgage, rent, or other bills, and how to respond to the collective efforts of of medical providers, insurance companies, and possibly even collection agencies. I understand.

In addition to seeking a legal recovery against those responsible for injury, as a full service injury law firm, I and my firm:

  • Seek immediate compensation from insurance companies in matters involving uninsured or underinsured motorists
  • Work with medical providers to understand injury severity and prognosis of injuries so that full compensation can be obtained
  • Gather medical and related bills, and work with health care providers and insurance companies during the course of litigation
  • Retain accident reconstructionists and other experts, when needed, to better establish fault and other matters concerning liability and damages.

I will be there to answer your questions and help you out at every stage, so that if you’ve been injured, you can focus on your recovery.

Our Firm Has Successfully Recovered Millions of Dollars for Injury Victims and their Families, and the Families Who Have Suffered a Wrongful Death

We provide the same tenacious and dedicated level of representation to all clients, regardless of whether the injuries involved were minor or catastrophic. Our objective is to obtain for every client full and fair compensation. We don’t employ an assembly-line process for handling cases, in which an injured client almost never speaks to his or her attorney.

Obtaining full and fair compensation requires difficult and dedicated representation. In vehicle accidents, for instance, insurance companies will do everything possible to deny or minimize liability. They often count on injury victims to accept quick settlements at a small fraction of what they are entitled to.

We position our clients in one of strength by doing the difficult work early in the litigation process – not at the end of case immediately prior to trial. This allows us to have solid proof of the case, so that in negotiations, defendants and insurance companies know exactly what they will be facing if a trial occurs. This meticulous work helps in the negotiation process by putting pressure on defendants to pay full and fair compensation.

4 Types of Personal Injury Cases Handled

Car Accidents

Car accidents happen for a number of reasons. However, one of the most common reasons why accidents end up happening, is because of people being careless on the road. For example; sometimes people are in a hurry, and as such, they will try to speed through a red light or stop sign. When this happens, and the driver does not yield to others, there is a high risk of an accident or accidents occurring. Another reason why accidents end up happening is because of tailgating. This is when a driver tries to force a driver ahead of them to speed up. However, there are consequences to this, because if the driver suddenly has to put on the brakes, there could be a sudden accident that happens.

Moreover, if the road is busy, there could be a pile up as well. Another reason as to why car accidents can happen, is because of road rage. Road rage is when an individual is driving aggressively on the road and putting others in danger as a result. A strong example of this would be an aggressive driver trying to push someone off the road, suddenly jumping in front of a car and nearly causing an accident, and more. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of these actions leading to accidents, when there is traffic on the road, since drivers can be unpredictable, especially during busy times of the day. Overall, in terms of vehicles, these are some of the reasons why personal injuries end up happening.

Truck Accidents

One of the reasons why truck accidents happen, is because trucks do not make a wide enough turn, when it comes to a street corner, especially on a busy street. Moreover, if a truck driver does not look below them when driving (such as when changing lanes), they could end up colliding with a car.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can be especially devastating. One of the reasons why is because motorcycle drivers are less protected than those who drive cars. As such, upon collision of vehicles, trucks, and more, the rider will likely suffer more physical damage, such as road rash. Before riding a motorcycle, it is very important to understand the positives and negatives

Dog bites

Sometimes dog bites end up happening, because the dog has not been trained not to bite strangers. This can also happen, when the dog is not put on a leash as well. Depending on the severity of the bite, legal action may be necessary.

Personal Injury Representation for Injured Clients Infographic

Appeals for Personal Injury Lawsuits

In some instances, a favorable outcome will not be obtained at trial, or a favorable outcome may be appealed by the opposing party. In these circumstances, I and my firm are available to appeal on behalf of clients for both firm and non-firm cases, provided that there are legal grounds to make an appeal.

I have had significant success in appealing cases throughout the Virginia state court system, and throughout the Federal court system, including the United States Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.

How Do I Know if I Have Grounds Upon Which to File Legal Action?

Chances are good that you could benefit from retaining personal injury representation if your situation meets a few specific legal criteria. With that said, it isn’t always easy to know if any given situation meets these criteria at first glance and there are always exceptions to general rules of thumb. Therefore, even if your situation doesn’t seem to meet these legal elements, it is still almost certainly worth an hour or so of your time to meet with the experienced legal team at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt in a risk-free consultation setting.

Most personal injury cases need to prove three things:

  • The defendant in the case owed the victim a duty of care under the law
  • The defendant breached their duty of care by engaging in conduct that was intentionally dangerous, negligent, or reckless
  • The victim’s injuries – and related financial losses, such as medical expenses – resulted directly from the defendant’s conduct.

Is Filing Legal Action Worth My Time and Effort?

If you choose to engage personal injury representation by allowing The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt to represent you, you may receive considerable compensation as a result of what happened to you. No law firm can guarantee the results of a case. However, our firm prides itself on providing clients and prospective clients with objective “no spin” feedback. If we don’t believe that filing legal action is worth your time and effort, we’ll tell you. And if we believe that you could benefit significantly from pursuing any and all compensation that you’re owed, we’ll tell you that too.

What if My Injuries Happened at Work?

You may have more than one opportunity for financial recourse available to you if your injuries occurred while you were engaged in work-related activities. If you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you should be awarded these benefits regardless of whether it was your fault that you suffered harm or not. Unlike personal injury damages awards, workers’ compensation benefits are awarded on a no-fault basis. With very few exceptions, eligible workers hurt on the job are granted benefits awards irrespective of fault.

With that said, it is still generally a good idea to speak with the experienced legal team at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt before filing a workers’ compensation claim. It may be difficult to prove that your injuries were work-related and retaining our firm can help to ensure that your benefits are promptly awarded and are fairly valued. Additionally, you may still benefit from personal injury representation if you remain in a strong position to file a personal injury case. You can potentially sue anyone but your employer (as employers that pay for workers’ compensation coverage for their employees enjoy limited liability) if their negligence, recklessness, or intentionally dangerous conduct contributed to the cause(s) of your injuries.

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Client Review

Mark took over my car accident case from another attorney that I fired. Mark worked hard on the case for several months to get ready for trial. Shortly before trial he got a settlement that was six times more than the offer my first lawyer tried to get me to take.

Jerry C.

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Client Review

“Mark took over my car accident case from another attorney that I fired. Mark worked hard on the case for several months to get ready for trial. Shortly before trial he got a settlement that was SIX TIMES more than the offer my first lawyer tried to get me to take.”

- Jerry C.

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