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Carroll County VA Reckless Driving Lawyer

Carroll County VA Reckless Driving Lawyer

Being charged with an offense such as reckless driving certainly calls for an experienced and dedicated Carroll County VA reckless driving lawyer. This type of charge can leave you experiencing feelings of anxiety, guilt and worry over the future. If you have been charged with reckless driving, you will be apprehensive for the road that lies ahead. Working with The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, a lawyer who represents reckless driving cases may prove to be beneficial throughout this stressful process. The assistance of a reckless driving lawyer representing Carroll County VA will be key in understanding the ramifications of such a charge and the penalties should you be convicted. With the experience that The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt offers, our reckless driving lawyer may be able to look over your specific case and help you in reducing your charge.

Reckless Driving

Receiving a reckless driving charge is far more significant than receiving a ticket for a standard moving traffic violation. The consequences can be far greater. Because of this, it may be in your best interest to reach out to a Carroll County VA reckless driving lawyer for guidance.

Reckless driving is when a person operating a motor vehicle does not adhere to traffic laws in such a way that is so serious it puts others at risk for being harmed. The following are examples of driving actions that may constitute a reckless driving charge:

  • Driving more than 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit
  • Racing with other cars on the road
  • Texting and driving
  • Passing a school bus that is letting children off
  • Passing an ambulance or not pulling over when they are trying to pass
  • Not stopping for a police officer when they are attempting to pull you over for a traffic stop
  • Driving aggressively

While consequences can vary depending upon the severity, a reckless driving lawyer representing Carroll County Virginia may be able to help you tackle charges head on. 


Each state manages charges of reckless driving differently. A conviction means that the offense will be on your criminal record. The impact of this could be significant, especially when it comes to obtaining employment. A reckless driving conviction could especially sway a potential employer’s decision if the job you are attempting to acquire, requires that you drive for work. While penalties can range based on where a person lives, a reckless driving lawyer from Carroll County VA wants you to know that a person may face a range of consequences of convicted:

  • You may be put on probation, meaning that you will need to adhere to the standards that have been put in place surrounding this. You would likely be required to check in regularly with a probation officer and follow the terms of your probation. Failure to do so could result in more serious consequences, even jail time.
  • Some people may find that they are facing potential jail time. If this is not the first time you have been charged or convicted of reckless driving, you will want to speak with a Carroll County VA reckless driving lawyer to weigh your options.
  • Heavy fines may also result. Depending on the severity of the charge, and whether or not this is a repeat offense will help determine the magnitude of fines you may be required to pay.
  • While this can vary, in a number of situations, people have lost their license as the result of a reckless driving conviction. For people heavily reliant on driving to get themselves where they need to go, this could be a huge burden.

When it comes to the penalties of reckless driving, there are a number of variations to the consequences a person may face. A reckless driving lawyer who represents Carroll County VA, you will be able to go over your case details. Our lawyer will help by preparing you with what you should expect should you be convicted for reckless driving.

A reckless driving charge can come with its fair share of complexities. By working with The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, you are more likely to have your interests protected throughout the legal process. Speaking with our lawyer can help put your mind at ease when it comes to sorting out the best way to move forward. A Carroll County VA reckless driving lawyer from The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt will be committed to working with you every step of the way. 

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