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Estate Planning Lawyer in Hillsville VA

Regardless of whether you have a little or a lot, we encourage those who are thinking about their future to get guidance from an Estate Planning Lawyer in Hillsville, VA at the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt. We can help you create a will to protect your beneficiaries’ interests when you die. 

Typically, when you think about someone’s estate, you imagine a wealthy person with maybe two or three homes, a lot of bank accounts and other assets. You might not think that you have an estate if you don’t own property or have a lot of money, but that’s not true. Your estate is what you own. 

Here are five reasons a Virginia Estate Planning Lawyer may list as to why it is in your best interest to write a will:

#1 Who Will Take Care of Your Children?

As part of your last will and testament, you can decide who will take care of your children on your death. You name a guardian that you trust who will love your children instead of letting the state name someone.

#2 Who Will Take Care of Your Business?

If you own a business, you can name your heirs in your estate planning documents. This can help the business transition to the next generation more smoothly than if you just left it to all the children.

#3 Who Receives Your Assets?

Do you want your daughter or son to get your mom’s silver set that has been in the family for generations? Who should receive your paid-for truck? Do you have a friend that you want a favorite painting to go to? In your will, you can outline who receives your belongings. As a Virginia Estate Planning Lawyer in Hillsville may inform you, without a will, the state may determine how your assets are divided.

#4 Who Will Take Care of Your Pets?

If you love your fur-baby and want to provide for Spot after your death, you can make provisions for him in your will. No, your pet cannot inherit your estate (regardless of what happens in the movies), but your good friend can receive your pet and some of your assets to pay for care. 

#5 Do You Want to Provide For a Charity?

One of the first tasks a VA Estate Planning Lawyer in Hillsville may have you do is name who shall receive your assets; whether it’s friends, family, loved ones or a charity of your choosing. You can make bequests to charities to use your assets for a cause that you want to support. Without a will, the state would never know what was important to you.


Your will is security that your loved ones will be taken care of when you die. It’s control over your assets, no matter how large or small your estate is. You might even direct your beneficiaries to manage your social media accounts on your death. Talk to a Hillsville, VA Estate Planning Lawyer at the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt about establishing a valid will today. 

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