Answering 24/7 276-623-0808

Greensville County, VA Speeding Ticket Lawyer & Reckless Driving Attorney

Greensville County is located north of Northampton County in North Carolina sitting on the Virginia/North Carolina border with the Interstate I-95 extending in a north-south direction through the county. I-95 is one of the most heavily trafficked Interstates with over 70,000 vehicles using this corridor each day. Additionally, highway 58 also runs in an east-west direction through Greenville County, providing an additional heavily-trafficked corridor, As a result, Greensville County is a common place to receive a traffic violation; county deputies and State troopers routinely enforce Virginia’s strict driving laws.

Have You Been Charged with Reckless Driving as a Result of Speeding?

Out-of-state drivers not familiar with Virginia laws may be surprised to know that exceeding the speed limit in Virginia may result in more than just receiving a simple speeding ticket. If a driver is cited for going 86 mph or more in a 70 mile-per-hour zone, the driver may be cited for reckless driving, not just speeding. This is a much more serious consequence.

In Virginia, reckless driving is considered a criminal misdemeanor, much like drunk driving. The potential ramifications are thus much more severe than they are for going a few miles over the limit at a lower speed. If you’ve been ticketed for speeding (and possibly reckless driving), I and my firm can help.

Why Choose Our Firm for Your Speeding Ticket or Reckless Driving Charge?

At the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, I provide the dedicated, tenacious service that you deserve in fighting your traffic ticket. I understand what is at stake.

At my firm, you won’t be considered “just a number,” nor will you be provided with “assembly-line” services. I am committed to providing a diligent effort for your case in seeking to obtain for you the best outcome possible.

I represent clients in speeding ticket and reckless driving charges on a fixed fee basis, and accept credit card payments.

Contesting Your Speeding or Reckless Driving Ticket – It’s Important to Understand the Deadlines

For every ticket there will be a specified time limit in which the ticket itself may be contested. In some cases, a court appearance may be required – either by you or your attorney. It is critical that tickets not be ignored; otherwise, adverse consequences may result.

In years past, non-Virginia residents might assume that speeding and reckless driving tickets could be ignored on the basis that such tickets were not likely to “catch up with them” if they were not likely to be driving in Virginia in the future. This is no longer the case.

Increasingly, with the integration of databases among states concerning criminal matters and driving infractions, tickets that are ignored – particularly those such as reckless driving that carry criminal misdemeanor designations – will catch up with drivers. In cases in which court appearances are required, a failure to appear at court can have even more serious consequences. It is much better, therefore, to retain an attorney and seek to contest a ticket than to ignore a ticket completely.

Greensville County, Virginia Court

The county seat of Greensville County is located in Emporia, Virginia, where traffic cases are heard. I and my firm are available to represent both Virginia and non-Virginia clients in court in seeking the best result possible for a speeding ticket/reckless driving ticket.

I would invite you to call me for a free consultation and to learn about your options if you received a speeding or reckless driving ticket in Greensville County or any other Virginia county.

As an experienced traffic attorney, I will work tenaciously to get your ticket reduced or dismissed. Call 276-623-0808 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Client Review

“Very helpful staff that will walk you through your legal process. My case was dismissed. Very much worth the reasonable cost.”


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