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Personal Injury Lawyer Tazewell, VA

When you become injured because of someone else’s negligence, maintaining privacy concerning a personal injury lawsuit can become difficult. With so many social media apps, chat sites and real-time posting sites available, it may seem like friends and relatives want to know what is happening at every turn. However, as a personal injury lawyer in Tazewell, VA from a firm like The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can explain, keeping information under wraps while the case is active may prevent informational leaks. Here are a few tips you can keep in mind for handling your social media accounts while your lawsuit proceeds:

1. Limit Who Can See Your Posts

While your friends and family no doubt mean well, there may be those who seek to invade your privacy, which could affect the outcome of the personal injury trial. Adjust your social media settings as soon as you can, especially on Facebook, which may allow others access to your page by looking you up by your email or phone number. Ask friends and family to help you by not sharing any posts you make.

2. Post Less Often

Your attorney may advise you to keep silent about the case and to avoid disclosing any details about the trial to those you know online. You can achieve this by posting less often overall or by choosing one site where you can let loved ones know you are well but in a social media blackout to protect yourself and your lawsuit.

3. Refrain From Answering Questions Publicly

Friends and family will likely feel concerned for you and ask for details about your injuries and the accident on social media sites, but answering these questions publicly could harm your case. Even a question that seems harmless could lead you to disclose details that are better left unspoken, such as who was at fault and what the other person or people involved said to you at the scene. You can advise your loved ones that while you appreciate their concern, you cannot reply in a public forum and thank them for their understanding.

4. Consider a Hiatus

One of the simplest ways to avoid information leaks about your personal injury case on social media is to take a hiatus until the trial completes. Even private messages and texts are not always secure and the courts may require you to reveal what these contain during your case. While you may feel some frustration over remaining silent online, remind yourself that the freedom of posting may come at the cost of your lawsuit.

Facing a personal injury lawsuit can be challenging, but help is available. Contact an attorney today for further advice and information.

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