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Social Security Disability Lawyer Bristol, TN

Social Security Disability Lawyer Bristol, TN

Our Social Security Disability lawyer in Bristol, TN recommends from The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt knows that when you are filing for Social Security Disability benefits you want to find a competent and skilled attorney. Although the law does not require you to hire an attorney for this process, you will find that applying for benefits is much easier and you have higher odds of winning your claim when you work with us.

We understand that it is not always easy to find an attorney you work well with: you want someone you are comfortable around, treats you with respect, and is an advocate for you when it comes to your legal needs. Below, we talk about a few things you should consider when you are looking for an attorney. If you would like to speak to our lawyers, please give us a call now.

What is a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

A social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN  will work through the Social Security appeals process to ensure that you get all of your benefits. Social security attorneys also help with rules such as lump sum benefit rules, resource limits, and Social Security reconsideration. Social Security Disability lawyers can specialize in Social Security Disability law and help people win Social Security Benefits.

Social Security Disability Lawyers are often contacted by clients when they have been denied benefits, or when they’re in need of an appeal after being denied. A social security disability lawyer Bristol, TN can help you determine if your case qualifies for disability and put together the best possible argument to present at a hearing with the goal of obtaining approval for your application.

A social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN may be required for those who have been injured or become ill and cannot work. The disability lawyer will help to represent the client in a process designed to determine if they are eligible for benefits from Social Security. They can also provide representation that is needed during the appeals process, which is when a person’s case has been denied by a judge.

Qualifications for Social Security Disability

If you have a disability and are unable to do the same work you had before, are unable to adjust to other work due to the medical condition, and your disability lasts for one year at minimum, then you may qualify for SSD benefits. There are several disability conditions that may entitle you to receiving benefits, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Breathing issues
  • Deafness or blindness
  • Chronic heart disease
  • HIV positive
  • Extreme psoriasis of hands and feet
  • Immune system disorder
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Mental disorder
  • Neurological disorder
  • Seizure despite medication use
  • Rheumatoid arthritis  
  • Other serious medical condition

Every year, thousands and thousands of SSD applications are denied benefits. If you meet the qualifications, your lawyer can help you receive the benefits that you deserve. Unfortunately, many people are forced to go without benefits because their claim was wrongfully denied. If you suspect this is the case for you, then we urge you to contact our law office now for immediate assistance. It’s important to remember that a denial is not necessarily final, so it’s imperative that you get help from a reputable legal professional who is accustomed to handling cases like these. Depending on your situation, your lawyer may suggest these courses of action:

File for Reconsideration

If your application for social security benefits was denied, you will be sent a notice explaining why it was not approved. If you disagree with the decision, you have a right to be reconsidered, and have the SSA review the case again. The appeal may have to be submitted within 60 days of receiving the decision, unless there is a justifiable reason for why it took longer. 

Submit Changes or New Medical Evidence

If there are changes to your condition when applying for benefits or appealing a denial, you must inform the SSA promptly. Completing and sending in more paperwork can be stressful, but your lawyer can take the lead on this task so you can attend to other matters. New medical evidence can be helpful because it gives the person evaluating your case more reasons to provide benefits.

Obtain a Doctor Testimonial

The disability benefits assessor will heavily take into consideration a doctor’s testimony regarding the person’s condition. You may want to have your current submit a revised RFC form, which lists new or worsening medical problems. Your doctor can provide official paperwork for your medical condition, as a way to reinforce that they believe your disability is serious enough to warrant monetary support.

Schedule a Hearing

If your case is yet again denied, it may be worth requesting a hearing, where administrative law judges will look over the case, ask questions, hear from witnesses or medical professionals, and then either overturn the SSA decision or uphold the denial.

What to Look for in an Attorney

As you look for a TN Social Security Disability lawyer in Bristol, there are a few things that you should consider.

  • The Promise of an Outcome. If your attorney could guarantee you a certain result, they would probably be extremely expensive and never available! Any time an attorney promises you that your case is a “slam dunk,” you should know that they are acting unethically. While we have a good track record, we cannot promise you that your case will win. However, we will speak with you honestly about how we believe your case will do after going over the details.
  • Care and Respect. We know that you want an attorney because you want your case to have a good outcome. However, your attorney giving you care and respect is also important. Many attorneys’ offices are busy and have heavy caseloads. However, when you work with our Social Security Disability lawyer, know that you are getting someone who takes great care to manage each individual case and give every client the respect they deserve.
  • They Give You the Time of Day. This is important. You may not be able to speak with your attorney every time you call. Many disability attorneys spend a lot of time in hearings, in fact. However, you should know upfront if there is a cap on the consultations you can have directly with your attorney, how often you will get to speak with them, and if their staff members are available to answer questions when they are out.

What To Expect at a Social Security Disability Hearing

The Judge Will Ask You Questions

At the beginning of the hearing, the judge will identify everyone in the room, read a statement of facts regarding your case, and then directly question you. The questions will be about your medical diagnoses, the treatments you’re receiving, the limitations of your disability, and your past employment. During this time, the judge is not trying to prove you’re not disabled but simply trying to lay out all the facts of your case. Answer the questions honestly, avoid leaving anything out, and most importantly, don’t exaggerate. Be specific and provide examples of how your disability affects your daily life.

Your Attorney Will Speak on Your Behalf

After the judge questions you, the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt will have a social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, speak on your behalf. Depending on your situation, your attorney may also decide to ask you additional questions that could further clarify your need for social security disability benefits. Don’t worry, though. If your lawyer plans to ask you questions, he or she will let you know in advance. 

Expert Witnesses Will Provide Insight

After your social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, speaks on your behalf, it is the time at which the judge will have any expert witnesses speak. Typically, expert witnesses are medical doctors who will discuss your injuries, your treatment, how they currently affect your life, and how they may affect it in the future. Sometimes, vocational experts also testify. Typically, they are job placement professionals who will discuss whether you can sustain employment with your disability. 

The Judge Makes a Decision

After asking you clarifying questions, listening to your social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, and listening to any expert witnesses, the judge will make his or her decision. Unfortunately, you usually won’t hear what the decision is at the meeting. Often, the judge will take some time to consider all the evidence presented. You’ll likely receive a decision in the mail 3-4 weeks after your hearing.

In the event that it is denied, your attorney from the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can help you file a request for reconsideration. If the reconsideration results in a second denial, you’ll need to file another appeal and wait until you have a disability hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. When considering statistics, this step is when most people are approved for social security disability benefits. However, it is important to have all of your ducks in a row as early as possible because if you are denied by the ALJ, there is almost no chance of approval in the future. 

4 Considerations When Applying for Social Security Disability

Filing for Social Security disability (SSD) can be a long and arduous process. The paperwork alone is daunting, and the emotional toll it can take on you can be demoralizing. You’ll want to enlist the help of a social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, from the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt as soon as possible to help you navigate the often complex proceedings. Here are some other things you need to do to help you receive SSD benefits. 

Stay Informed About the Process

The more you know about the process of applying for SSD, the more empowered you will be to act on your own behalf. When you apply for SSD, you have to fill out the paperwork precisely to try to avoid having your claim denied. You have to advocate for yourself in order to receive benefits. A social security disability lawyer at the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can help you understand confusing documents associated with your claim.

Appeal Immediately if Your Claim Was Denied

Initial claims are routinely denied; you should be prepared for that going in. You should immediately appeal the decision, and appeal quickly. You only have 60 days in which to appeal. Don’t hesitate to ask the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, a social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, for help with your appeal; appeals are often more successful when a SSD lawyer gets involved in the process. There are four levels of appeals your lawyer can help with:

  1. A reconsideration, which is a complete review of your case
  2. A hearing with an administrative judge
  3. A review by the Social Security Appeal Council
  4. A lawsuit in Federal Court

Keep Medical Records Organized and Accessible

The more organized your records are, the easier it will be for your social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, to help you file a SSD claim. You’ll feel more confident about your claim if you’ve got all your records and documents organized. Your social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, may have suggestions on how to organize this paperwork.

Keep a Medical Journal

Keep a record of symptoms, what you believe caused those symptoms, and anything else related to your disability. Sleep, diet, fluid intake, exercise, bowel movements and urine output are metrics you may want to consider tracking as well. You can also use your medical journal to take notes at doctor’s appointments and keep records of any phone calls with the Social Security Administration.

What Qualifications Must I Meet To Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security Disability benefits are notoriously difficult to get because of the very strict standards set by the Social Security Administration to qualify for them. Most people who try to apply and handle the process alone will get a denial.

Using a Social Security Disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, can greatly help ensure you avoid common mistakes and provide all the evidence you need to prove you meet the qualifications set by the SSA.

Basic Qualifications

There are two basic qualifications the SSA sets for getting benefits. You must have enough work credits, and you must have a qualifying disability. The SSA sets the work credit limit and how you earn them. It also defines qualifying disability. 

Work Credits

Every person earns work credits based on their earnings each year. You can earn up to four a year. You earn one work credit at a time based on how much you make from working.

The amount of pay needed for one work credit changes every year. In 2021, the amount for one work credit was $1,470. Once you earned $1,470, you get one credit, then you get another credit after earning another $1,470 up to four total credits for the year.

To qualify for SSD benefits, you need a certain amount of credits based on your age. For most people, the requirement is 40 credits. You also need to have earned at least half of those credits in the past 10 years. Younger people may need fewer credits.

It is important to note this requirement is not just for getting benefits. It also applies when receiving them. So, if you have a long period of disability, you could get to the point where you no longer have enough recently earned credits to continue getting your benefits.

Qualifying Disability

The SSA’s definition of disability is much different than other agencies. The SSA defines disability as a condition that prevents you from working in any capacity for at least one year. You cannot get benefits for conditions that will not prevent you from working or that will not last at least one year.

It is essential to understand that the ability to work means in any capacity, even if it is not the work you did prior to your disability. For example, if you used to work in a warehouse, but can no longer do so because you hurt your back, but you could work at a desk job, then you do not meet the definition of disability set by the SSA.

There are some exceptions where you can work and get SSD benefits, but this is not common for most people. The SSA has different rules for people who are blind. They may also have different rules for certain medical conditions. A Social Security Disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, should be able to help determine if you meet the disability requirement.

Wrapping Up

Securing Social Security Disability benefits is not easy. Most people try to apply on their own without help, but this often leads to a denial, even if they should qualify. Using the services of a Social Security Disability lawyer in Bristol, TN, can help you to ensure you have everything in order when you apply.

If you would like to see how a Social Security Disability lawyer from The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can help you, give us a call.

Contact Our Bristol Social Security Disability Lawyer Today!

Even if you are suffering from some kind of disability, our Social Security Disability recommends knowing that there are still reasons you may be denied Social Security benefits. When this is the case and you were counting on receiving those benefits, you may not be sure what your next steps are.

If you were going to claim your SSD benefits and your application was denied, what can you do? Our Social Security Disability lawyer team is here to help you. We can review your application and determine if the reasons you were denied were founded or review your application before you turn it in to go over potential risks that may cause a denial. Call our office to learn more.

Reasons Your SSD Application May Be Denied:

  • The Disability You are Claiming is Not Severe Enough. When this is the case, it means that your impairment may not last long enough (it should not last under 12 months) or that it is not particularly severe. Although there may be some exceptions (if you are experiencing blindness), it is important to go over details of your disability with your Social Security Disability lawyer.
  • You Won’t Release Your Medical Records. This is important because the Social Security Administration (SSA) will want to examine your medical records to confirm your disability. However, if you refuse to let them do so or if you do not provide them with additional information they need they may deny your claim.
  • You Won’t Listen to Your Doctor. You may have a disability that qualifies for SSD benefits. However, if your doctor, therapist, or rehabilitative specialist is giving you a prescribed therapy that should help with your healing process and you are refusing to do it (without a legitimate reason), it is certainly possible that your claim will be denied.
  • You Earn Too Much Money. One of the most common reasons a Social Security Disability lawyer has seen a client’s claim denied is because they earn too much income. While you can work up to a certain amount when you decide to apply for your SSD benefits, there is a set amount that you cannot make, otherwise, your claim will be denied.

If you are concerned that your SSD benefits will be denied or if they have already been denied, please contact our trusted Social Security Disability lawyers from The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt now. 

How to Successfully Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits 

If you recently suffered an injury or illness that prevents you from working, you have the option of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). However, filing a claim can be stressful, especially when you are dealing with a disability. Here are a few helpful tips for successfully applying for SSDI.

Make Sure You Are Eligible

Unfortunately, not all disabilities qualify for benefits. Before filing a disability claim, you should first determine your eligibility. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires individuals to have a disability that is expected to last at least a year, who are under retirement age and have paid FICA taxes for five of the last 10 years.

Do Not Wait to File an Application

When it comes to filing a disability claim, there is no time to dilly-dally. The initial application typically takes between three and six months to review. If you get your first application denied, you will have to wait any longer. That is why a social security disability lawyer suggests filing your application as soon as possible. If you wait too long to file, you could drain your savings and lose financial stability. 

Adjust Your Budget

As mentioned above, you may have to wait a long time to receive your disability benefits. It is important to make drastic changes to your budget in the meantime. Otherwise, you could risk losing your savings, retirement account and even your home. Carefully look over your budget and determine what you can realistically cut out. For example, you could consider cutting your cable bill, not eating out at restaurants and downsizing your vehicle.

Be Completely Honest

When you’re filling out your application for disability benefits, a social security disability lawyer advises to be truthful. Don’t be tempted to exaggerate your symptoms because you think it will improve your chances of getting your application approved. The SSA has heard it all before and is good at determining who is being honest and who is embellishing the truth. If they find out that you weren’t completely honest, your application will get rejected.

Attach Your Medical Records

Before the SSA decides to approve your disability application, they will want to see your medical records. While you can sign a release so that the SSA can request these records for you, it will be quicker if you obtain the records yourself and include them in your application.

Hire a Lawyer

Applying for disability benefits can be time-consuming and stressful, so it is helpful to have a social security disability lawyer on your side. He or she can make sure all the information in your application is accurate and file it on time, helping you avoid any delays. Contact us at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt today to schedule your consultation with a seasoned social security disability lawyer in Bristol, Tennessee.

Why you need Mark T. Hurt as your Social Security Disability Lawyer

If you’re like most people, the last thing on your mind is Social Security Disability. You have enough to worry about with work, family, and other responsibilities. But if something happens that prevents you from working for at least a year or longer, then it may be time to consider applying for disability benefits through Social Security. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can help guide you through this process so that you get the benefits that are rightfully yours!

Mark T Hurt is a social security disability lawyer in Bristol, TN with years of experience helping people just like you win their cases and get the benefits they deserve from SSA under SSD or SSI law. I’ve helped thousands of people with disabilities finally receive long-term financial security after years of struggling due to an inability to work as a result of their medical conditions, including chronic pain, depression, anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia & more. My firm provides free consultations where we discuss your case and explain how we can help make sure that everything is done correctly.

We know how hard it is to live without income when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel – but we also know how important those benefits can be in helping pay bills and put food on the table while waiting for your case to settle. Let us handle all of your concerns so that all you need to do is focus on getting better!

Mr. Hurt will work with you every step of the way, listening closely to understand your situation and helping guide you through this difficult process until we achieve success on your behalf. We offer free consultations so there’s no risk or obligation when we meet with you face-to-face at our office!

He understands that this process is difficult, but he will make sure that everything goes smoothly from start to finish while fighting for his clients at all costs! Let us take care of the legal work so that you can focus on getting better!

Call us today!

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