Wythe County, VA Reckless Driving Lawyer

Wythe County Reckless Driving Lawyer
Our reckless driving lawyer representing Wythe County can assist Virginia residents who are facing reckless driving charges. The legal process can not only be stressful but also complex to work through without the assistance of a lawyer. Reckless driving, if convicted, can in some cases result in serious consequences. Working with The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can assist in guiding our clients through the case by helping you to understand the process, and ensuring that your rights are protected.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving may not seem like a big deal, but a reckless driving charge can be incredibly serious. Reckless driving charges are far more severe than your standard traffic ticket. Because of this, it will be essential that you choose a Wythe County reckless driving lawyer to help you face your charges. Reckless driving occurs when:
- Driving at a speed of more than 20 miles over the speed limit
- Passing a school bus
- Driving at a speed of more than 85 miles per hour (regardless of the speed limit)
- Racing
- Illegally Passing
- Driving to face for traffic conditions
- Endangering others
- Driving a vehicle that is overloaded and obstructs the view of others
- Spinning wheels
There is an expansive list of what constitutes as a reckless driving charge. Our Wythe County reckless driving lawyer will tell you that it’s important you are aware of these because even a situation that may seem like an infraction, can result in a reckless driving conviction. Whether you were just passing through the state, or were on your way home, you may want to consider contacting a reckless driving lawyer representing Wythe County.
Consequences of Reckless Driving
Reckless driving can come with hefty consequences and is classified as a Class I misdemeanor. Along with costly fines and potential jail time, you may also have a mark on your criminal record, one that is likely to follow you for quite some time. A reckless driving conviction may result in consequences that include:
- A fine of up to $2,500
- 6 points on your license
- License suspension
- Criminal Record
- Increased auto insurance rates
- Jail Time of up to 1 year
Working with a Wythe County reckless driving lawyer is essential to ensuring that you give yourself every opportunity at facing reduced consequences. Give yourself the legal representation you deserve by contacting The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt for an experienced lawyer who is ready to help you tackle reckless driving charges.
If you have been charged with reckless driving, it’s essential that you contact a reckless driving lawyer as soon as possible. Reckless driving convictions can stay on your criminal record for up to 11 years in the state of Virginia. Because of this, you will want to give yourself every opportunity at mitigating that consequences you stand to face. Contact our Wythe County reckless driving lawyer at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt so that we may begin assisting you.