Wytheville, VA Workers Compensation Lawyer
Workers Compensation Lawyer Wytheville VA

Our workers compensation lawyer in Wytheville VA knows that every day you go to work expecting to perform your duties in a safe, comfortable environment. While your employer may have an obligation to look after you and your well-being, accidents and mishaps can happen. As a result, you may succumb to work-related injuries. If you get hurt because your employer was negligent or even displayed willful disregard for your wellness, you should contact The Law Offices Of Mark T. Hurt when considering a workers compensation claim. Workers compensation can provide benefits that cover your medical bills, including treatments and medications. It’s important to act promptly. Our workers compensation lawyer that Wytheville VA residents rely on can provide you with the legal support you require when facing an injury that has occurred while on the job.
Examples of Claims
Misfortune is part of life, and accidents will occur whether you’re at work, home or involved in various activities. However, if these occur in the workplace due to someone else, you may be eligible for workers compensation coverage, making it essential that you contact a workers compensation lawyer from Wytheville VA. Some various claims you could make include:
- Falls, slips, and trips
- Car and truck accidents while transporting goods
- Exposure to harmful or toxic chemicals or materials
- Explosions, fires
- Malfunctioning, defective equipment
When Should You File?
When considering a workers compensation claim, it’s best to act quickly. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your claim will be denied. Within 30 days of your accident or injury, you should notify your employer of the occurrence. Rules vary from state to state, but in general, you will have a year to file a workers’ compensation claim. In some cases, you may have up to three years to file. A Wytheville VA workers compensation lawyer will be able to advise you on the timeframes based on the law in the state of Virginia.
What Information Should You Share?
When you first notify your employer of your injury, make sure you are as explicit as possible. The more detail you provide, the better chance you have of getting the coverage you need. In your report, indicate the nature of your injury, where it happened and what caused it. Include the names of anyone else who witnessed the injury and may have also been affected. If you are unsure of how best to outline your account of the accident, your Wytheville VA workers compensation lawyer will prove to be essential in making sure that your report is as detailed and accurate as possible. It’s crucial that you tell your employer exactly when the accident occurred, right down to the time of day. Be truthful in your report. It’s imperative that you don’t exaggerate the facts or embellish the incident at all. It’ll be helpful to say what you were doing as well. This will verify that you were actually engaged in your assigned work duties at the time of the accident.
Consulting with The Law Offices Of Mark T. Hurt can provide you with the services of an experienced Wytheville VA workers compensation lawyer that may prove helpful when facing a workers compensation claim.